


T在这里 is no such thing as a “typical” high school experience at Crossroads. 高中为你提供了诱人的多样化课程——从性别研究、电影制作到高级有机化学——并邀请你深入研究你感兴趣的领域.


Curiosity is your guide as you plan your studies. 高等教育的天花板从数学和科学延伸到音乐, 艺术等等, and includes Crossroads Advanced Studies (CAS) courses, independent research projects and concentrations in classical music, 视觉艺术与戏剧.


Our students utilize their passions to make a difference. Through dozens of outreach-focused campus clubs, student-planned forum days and events related to equity and 社会正义, you can take advantage of the many opportunities for service, and develop new initiatives of your own.


澳门十大娱乐平台正规网站经历的标志在你难忘的最后一年汇聚在一起. 你将选择一个为期三周的沉浸式项目,并进行一次改变生活的自然静修, solidifying a high school experience defined by passionate inquiry, personal growth and lifelong bonds with teachers and classmates.


要了解更多关于我们的高中课程,请点击下面的任何主题标题或点击 在这里 for a comprehensive curriculum guide.


  • 艺术

    The 上学校 offers programming in dance, 戏剧, 古典与现代音乐, 电影制作, 音乐制作和视觉艺术. Students display their artwork in the 山姆弗朗西斯画廊; perform in musical, dance and theater performances; shoot films; and build sets and run tech for performances. 艺术 faculty not only train students in the skills of their given disciplines; they teach them to examine meaning and intention in art-making and to stretch the bounds of their creativity, exploring new media and new modes of thinking, 观察与创造. 对艺术有浓厚兴趣的学生可以主修音乐、戏剧或视觉艺术.
  • 英语/出版物

    英语课程努力向学生灌输对阅读的终身热爱和欣赏, 教学生的写作方式——不仅仅是正确——流畅地传达更深层次的含义和价值观. As students experience literature from diverse perspectives and backgrounds, teachers encourage them to develop critical thinking and reading skills and, to convey their understandings in clear, well-supported expository essays and creative, multi-genre projects that develop their authentic voices.

    The Publications program gives students an opportunity to take those reading, 写作 and editing skills into the area of print and online publications. They produce and solicit work from a variety of sources, 编辑和润色这些片段, and learn fundamentals of design to produce the award-winning student print and online newspaper; print and online literary magazine; and academic journal, 还有年鉴.
  • 历史/电影研究

    高中历史系努力帮助学生体验过去的“异域”及其力量, and to deepen their understanding of political, 经济和社会生活. 历史研究磨练理性, 深化了同情心, 唤醒责任感, 在必要的时候, 响了警报. 在历史系所有的课上, 学生写, discuss and debate arguments from original documents, 面试, 学术期刊, 历史经典著作, 电影和其他来源. Assignments encourage analysis, synthesis, evaluation and original research.

    The 历史 Department also houses the Film Studies Department, 在这门课程中,学生将研究这种流行文化媒介在美国和世界各地的社会和政治生活中所起的重要作用.
  • 人类发展

    Four departments make up the 人类发展 program: Community Service, Environmental and Outdoor Education, 生活技能 and 体育课。. 这些课程协同工作,以灌输健康的身体,心理和情感发展. Students learn to make meaningful social contributions; connect to the natural world; speak their truths and practice compassion; and engage in physical wellness. Through the 人类发展 program, 学生理解, integrate and coordinate their bodies, 思想和心灵.
  • 数学

    我们相信所有的学生都可以成为扎实的数学学生:我们必须简单地发现每个学生学习最好的速度. Courses and course sequencing are designed with pacing differences in mind. The standard sequence for an 上学校 student is Algebra 1, 几何, 代数2, 三角函数, 微积分预科和微积分. 在这个序列中, students can enter into Accelerated, Honors and Crossroads Advanced Courses (CAS), which dive more deeply into topics and units. While following the traditional sequence of topics, students are also encouraged to study Probability and Statistics.
  • 体育课。

    体育教育计划旨在促进每个学生的身体健康和充分发挥人类潜能的发展. 我们强调个人和合作的发展,而不是竞争. 学生们对各种运动形式产生兴趣,并从中获得锻炼带来的满足感, 增强他们的身体素质, 心理和情感健康. 所有的学生都必须完成一年的体育教育,通过健康健身或人类表现.
  • 科学技术

    对科学技术的全面理解需要学生进行动手实验. Course offerings include marine biology, 设计与工程, 有机化学, 地球与空间科学, 物理与计算机科学. Students engage in inquiry-based labs, 通过环境和户外教育计划提供实地考察和扩展的生态实地研究. 科学系教导学生培养他们对周围世界的好奇心和兴趣,并通过解决问题来辨别科学与非科学, 审查, 研究与实验.
  • 世界语言

    Crossroads offers courses in Latin, French and Spanish. Teachers employ methodologies that focus on developing speaking, 写作, reading and listening with an emphasis on language immersion. Courses are taught in the target language to help students reach proficiency. 学生将以前学过的材料应用到新的语境中,并鼓励他们在发展语言本能的同时承担风险. Beyond the acquisition of language skills, students learn about the cultures behind the language, studying issues including politics, 社会正义, 经济系统, 文学与艺术.


The School’s four full-time college counselors get to know each student, 和他们一起探索高中后生活的各种机会.










  • 安东尼·洛克01

  • 莉香迪亚

  • 梅塞德斯巴勒塔

    教学主任 & 学习


  • 斯蒂芬妮·西蒙

    Dean of School Life and Spanish Teacher
  • 艺术麦肯






  • 布瑞恩着陆器


    “在澳门十大娱乐平台正规网站工作,我最喜欢的事情之一是我与学生之间建立的关系, 既是老师也是导师.”
© 2023 澳门十大娱乐平台正规网站艺术学院 & 科学